Meeting Rooms

Bossard Memorial Library provides meeting rooms for Library-sponsored or co-sponsored programs which meet the Library's civic, informational, cultural, educational, and recreational service goals. In addition, the Library is committed to helping to build a sense of community by offering meeting room space to the public, subject to the stipulations of this policy. 

Library-sponsored or co-sponsored programs have first priority in scheduling.  The Library may choose to partner with organizations or businesses to provide programs that are deemed to be in the public interest and fit the mission of the Library. 

Library meeting rooms are available during regular Library business hours to non-Library groups, unless alternative hours have been pre-approved by the Library Director or his or her designee.  The Library may sponsor or co-sponsor a program outside normal Library business hours.  Meeting rooms are not available to non-Library groups or individuals for the primary purpose of the promotion or sales of services or products, fundraising, or conducting classes for profit.    No admission or attendance charge or required donation may be assessed by any non-Library group using a meeting room.  The Library may permit presenters at Library-sponsored (or co-sponsored) programs to sell merchandise related to the subject or activity of their programs.  A Library-sponsored or co-sponsored program may have a nominal registration charge to defray or reduce the cost of the program to the Library.  In addition, in the case of a program with limited seating capacity, the Library may charge a nominal fee to defray costs of the program.

The Library has two separate meeting rooms:  1) Switzer Room; and 2) Riverside Room.   The Library reserves the right to determine which room will best accommodate each group’s needs, and assign the room accordingly.  

Switzer Meeting Room. Seating capacity of the Switzer meeting room is thirty-five (35) people. Private, social events (i.e. showers, reunions, weddings) may be held ONLY in the Switzer Room.

Riverside Meeting Room. Seating capacity of the Riverside meeting room is a minimum of ten (10) and maximum as stated on occupancy certificate.  The Riverside Room may only be reserved by non-profit or for-profit businesses and civic, community-based organizations, defined as:

            “A public or private nonprofit organization of demonstrated effectiveness that:

                        (A) Is representative of a community or significant segments of a community; and

                        (B) Provides educational or related services to individuals in the community.”

RESERVATIONS.   Meeting room reservations must be made in person at the Library and are not considered confirmed until the representative of the group has 1) received and read the meeting room policy; 2) completed and signed the reservation request form; 3) paid any and all deposits and fees for the reservation of the room.  In addition, the reservation must be approved by the Library Director or his/her designee.  

Reservation requirements, fees, and advance deposits may be waived for a governmental entity or political officer subject to approval by the Library Director or his/her designee.

The individual requesting the meeting room must be at least 18 years of age. This individual must also be present during the entire meeting and will be responsible for the orderly conduct of the group, and in the event of any damage to Library property and/or equipment that individual will be financially liable. A Library staff member will conduct a walk-through of the meeting room with this individual prior to the start of the scheduled meeting to ensure the individual is aware that he or she is responsible for any damages to Library property or equipment. In addition, a Library staff member will conduct a walk-through with this individual after the meeting to assess the condition of the room and equipment. 

FEES. A $50.00 room deposit is required to reserve the meeting room.   This deposit will be forfeited if there is any damage to the room, extra janitorial services are necessary, or if the group does not vacate the room at the time stated on the reservation and at least fifteen minutes before closing of the Library.  If any members of the group are still in the Library after closing time, the group will lose its privileges to use the meeting room for one year. 

In addition to the $50.00 refundable room deposit, for-profit groups will be assessed a $100.00 non-refundable fee for use of the meeting rooms. At the discretion of the Library Director or his/her designee, the Library reserves the right to waive the $100 fee for "for-profit" groups who are providing a support or educational benefit to the general public as the primary purpose of the meeting.

Meeting room deposits and fees are payable to the Library separately in the form of a personal/business check or cashier’s check only.   All deposits and fees must be paid within seven days of the meeting room request.  The Library will return meeting room deposits within one month of the meeting date, provided the group observed the policy guidelines. Unless the group requests otherwise, if the group has another meeting scheduled within three months, the Library will hold the same check as the deposit for the upcoming meeting, provided the initial check was not written more than six months prior to the forthcoming meeting date.   

RESTRICTIONS. Demand for Library meeting room space is great. In order to provide Library spaces to a broad range of community groups, the meeting rooms may be used no more than twice per month by a non-Library organization.  A meeting room reservation request may be made up to three months in advance of the meeting date, but must be made at least seven calendar days in advance of the requested meeting time. The Library Director reserves the right to review any and all applications and may demand sufficient time to make proper investigation before approval is granted.  The Library Director reserves the right to monitor compliance with regulation governing the use of the reserved room.  A group may have no more than two meetings scheduled at any time.  The Director or his or her designated staff must approve all reservations.  The meeting room reservation hours must include set-up and clean-up time.  Reservations are not transferable from one group to another. 

Parking space in the main Library is primarily for Library patrons who are visiting the Library for a brief time period. Therefore, groups with more than 10 attendees should carpool, use the Library's overflow parking lot across from the main Library parking lot, and/or park on the streets in town. 

Refreshments are only permitted in the Switzer and Riverside meeting rooms during scheduled meetings and are not permitted in other areas of the Library. Tobacco use, alcoholic beverages, and alcohol-infused products are all strictly prohibited. In order to protect Library facilities and materials, no bright-colored drink may be served (i.e. Kool Aid, red punch, etc.). The Library will not provide any food service or equipment. Storage of equipment and/or supplies is not permitted in the Library.   The Library is not responsible for materials or equipment brought to or left in the Library or on the grounds by users.  The Library will not accept deliveries on behalf of the group.  Items left in the meeting room will be discarded.   A group serving refreshments is responsible for providing all serving utensils and for cleaning up following its meeting.  Groups must provide their own cleaning supplies.  A vacuum cleaner is available upon request for use by adults ages 18 and over only.    Groups are responsible for disposing of excess trash generated as a result of the meeting.  Groups are not permitted to use flammable devices in the Library (i.e. candles, sterno cans, etc.). 

Neither the Board nor Library staff assume any liability for groups or individuals attending any meeting or program in the Library.

The applicant agrees to protect, defend, indemnify and hold the Library, its officers, employees, and agents, free and harmless from and against any and all losses, penalties, damages, settlements, costs or liabilities of every kind and character arising out of or in connection with any acts or omission of the applicant, negligent or otherwise, and its employees, officers, agents, guests, or independent contractors.  The applicant agrees to pay all damages, costs, and expenses of the Library in defending any action arising out of the aforementioned acts or omissions.

Library staff may attend or observe any event at any time.

The Library reserves the right to require additional liability insurance when appropriate.

Groups that view videos must secure all necessary performance licenses and indemnify the Library for any failure to do so. 

Unless prior arrangements are made with (and approved by) the Library Director or his or her designee at the time of reservation, meeting rooms do not include the use of any Library equipment.

Groups are responsible for arranging the tables and chairs to meet their own needs. Following their use of the room, groups must return the room to its original state.  Groups are not permitted to affix any signs, decorations, or materials on meeting room doors, walls, or windows or hang them from the ceiling.

The library makes no endorsement, express or implied, of any non-Library event or activity held in the meeting room.  Unless sponsored or co-sponsored by the Library, publicity for public events in Library facilities must not imply sponsorship by, or affiliation with, the Library and must contain the statement, “This program is neither sponsored, co-sponsored nor endorsed by Bossard Memorial Library”.   A sample of the literature must be received prior to distribution for approval by the Library Director or his/her designee.  The name, address, and telephone number of the Library may not be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization. 

Meetings are to be conducted in a manner that does not interfere with the use of the Library by other patrons.  The Library can disallow use because it is disruptive to the purpose of the Library (i.e., large rally that would impede parking and result in an unacceptable noise level in the Library).

Quiet group study of up to four individuals at one table is permitted. Quiet tutoring of one or more students is permitted with no exchange of money on Library premises.

Artistic performances by individuals or a group will be permitted only when co-sponsored by the Library. 

Final determination regarding eligibility to rent Library meeting rooms rests with the Library Director or his/her designee. 

The Library Director, or his/her designee, may for good cause, deny or cancel any application for reservation of meeting room space, and for good cause, may waive any meeting room regulation.  The Library assumes no liability if such action occurs.

The Library reserves the right to cancel prior meeting room reservations without notice in the event of emergency, such as weather-related closings or unsafe building conditions.  When the Library must close due to an emergency, all efforts will be made to notify groups scheduled to use the meeting rooms.  If in doubt, the individual who secured the registration should check the Library’s website to see the status of the Library’s operations.

Adopted by the Gallia County District Library Board of Trustees, December 2014.

Amended 3/12/2019: Gallia County District Library Board of Trustees.